I have phlegm and an irritated throat.

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I have phlegm and an irritated throat. How should I take medicine and take care of myself?

Phlegm is a thick substance produced by the body to trap and remove foreign substances such as dust, bacteria, viruses, and other irritants from the respiratory tract. The body usually removes phlegm from the body by coughing or swallowing. Phlegm, throat irritation, and itching can be caused by many things, such as the common cold, allergies, or environmental irritations.

Common causes of phlegm

1. Colds : This is the most common cause of phlegm. It is caused by viruses that are transmitted through the respiratory system.

2. Sinusitis : is an inflammation of the nasal cavity caused by bacteria or viruses.

3. Bronchitis : Inflammation of the bronchial tubes caused by viruses or bacteria.

4. Pneumonia : Inflammation of the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi.

5. Allergies : Caused by the body’s immune system responding to allergens such as pollen, animal hair, and dust mites.

6. Asthma : A chronic condition that causes the airways to become inflamed and narrowed.

7. Exposure to air pollution : such as dust, smoke, and cigarette smoke.

Guidelines for self-care when you have phlegm

When you have phlegm, it is important to take care of yourself enough to help your body recover and get rid of the phlegm.

1. Drink warm water : Warm water helps to thin out mucus and make it easier to expel it. Sip warm water frequently.

2. Keep warm : Wear warm clothing. Avoid sleeping in a cold room with a fan or in a cold air-conditioned room. Adjust the temperature of the air-conditioned room
to be warm.

3. Use saline nasal wash : Saline nasal wash helps reduce nasal congestion and helps the mucus flow easily, making it easier to expel phlegm. Use a syringe
to wash the nose and suck out the mucus, helping to make breathing easier.

4. Sleep on your back with a high pillow : Sleeping on your back helps prevent mucus from flowing down your throat and makes breathing easier.

5. Use a humidifier : A humidifier helps keep your airways moist and reduces throat irritation.

6. Avoid irritants : Avoid cigarette smoke, dust, and other irritants.

7. Use of medicine : expectorant such as cough medicine, expectorant. Consult a doctor or pharmacist before using medicine.

8. See a doctor : If symptoms are severe or accompanied by other symptoms, such as chronic cough, severe coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, runny nose, high fever, lethargy,
decreased appetite, or wheezing.