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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

What kind of food helps relieve stress and keep you away from depression?

What kind of food helps relieve stress and keep you away from depression? When the body is stressed the more stress accumulates and the longer the stress lasts. The more the adrenal glands use up the vitamins in the body. Which can lead to vitamin deficiency, resulting in fatigue, insomnia,

Hormonal Causes of Headaches

Hormonal Causes of Headaches Hormones are chemical messengers that control every process in the body. When changes in these hormone levels occur, certain health disorders can arise. Medical researchers have found a link between fluctuating levels of hormones, especially estrogen, and an additional susceptibility to recurrent headaches.

Getting the most out of walking

Getting the most out of walking That is, the minimum recommend exercise regimen is to do at least 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise , such as running, per week. Or moderate intensity exercise, such as walking for at least 150 minutes per week, means that running will only take 75

Back off if this love is too toxic.

Back off if this love is too toxic. Love is a beautiful and powerful emotion. It can lift the spirits, enrich lives and bring joy to people. But sometimes, the thing we call ‘love’ can actually hurt us deeply Love. Which should be a source

Risk Factors of Breast Pain

Risk Factors of Breast Pain For some women, the likelihood of suffering from breast pain is already higher due to certain risk factors. For example, women who suffer from PMS or who have a family history of breast pain are more likely to experience this symptom at some point

How to reduce cortisol for better health

How to reduce cortisol for better health Cortisol is a hormone that the body produces. When it is faced with stress. Although it plays a key role in responding to emergencies, prolonged high levels of cortisol can have adverse health effects. Therefore, reducing cortisol levels

Sleep apnea, a silent danger, a risk! acid reflux disease

Sleep apnea, a silent danger, a risk! acid reflux disease Sleep apnea and gastroesophageal reflux disease Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) are related and occur frequently in the same patient group. The main mechanisms are as follows: Airway obstruction: In sleep apnea,

Be concern about your health. Be careful Acid reflux

Be concerne about your health. Be careful Acid reflux Did you know that nowadays, most people in the city have to wake up early in the morning in a hurry to overcome the traffic jam in the morning before going to work? Some people may not

I have phlegm and an irritated throat.

I have phlegm and an irritated throat. How should I take medicine and take care of myself? Phlegm is a thick substance produced by the body to trap and remove foreign substances such as dust, bacteria, viruses, and other irritants from the respiratory tract. The

Self-care when itchy nose and runny nose from allergies

Self-care when you have an itchy nose and runny nose from allergies Avoiding allergens is the best way to prevent and reduce allergy symptoms. Common allergens include dust mites, pollen, animal hair, mold, cigarette smoke, and air pollution. Guidelines for avoiding allergens 1. Clean the house: Vacuum